Friday, January 15, 2010


When do you start your week? Some people start it on Sunday, with the ritual of going to church and taking the day for family. Some start on Monday, first day of the work week and see their weekends as the end reward.

In the past couple of years, I’ve realized that my week actually begins on Friday evening. I used to think I started over on Saturday. But it’s not true. Friday is when I being to look to the week ahead. Friday is when I plan menus, grocery shop, hunt down that special recipe or two. Friday is when I begin to visualize the week ahead, take a deep breath and plunge ahead.

I haven’t completely fleshed out the menu for next week yet. But my special projects thus far consist of baking cinnamon bread (at the request of the son), and making a crusty french bread out of a recipe I found. I love to pick up baguettes to eat with cheese and wine throughout the weekend and week. I was planning on tackling a baguette this weekend, but then this other recipe caught my eye. It’s based out of the Artisan Bread in Five Minutes A Day by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois. (You know I’ve got that book my wish list!)

Regular menu will include a roasted chicken on Sunday, I think. Throw in some seasonal squash, maybe some mashed potatoes and rosemary rolls… yum! I have a nice Francis Coppola Chardonnay that is buttery without being too oaky that I’m betting will go really well with it all.

It’s a start. Tonight I’ll finish writing the menu out, hunt through cupboards for items to replenish, check calendars for next week’s activities, make notes on errands and chores. The lists never end, do they?

And when I finally sit down, sometime around 11pm, I’ll have a glass of wine (I’m thinking that Leese-Fitch Pinot Noir will fit the bill), and look forward to the week ahead.

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